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CACC Listserv Subscriber Guidelines
The subscriber’s agency must be a member of CACC before a subscriber's email address is added to the list serve.
All listserv subscribers for CACC listserv must acknowledge and accept the subscriber guidelines.
Subscribers agree that information posted or accessed will be used only for informational or educational purposes. Jokes, cartoons and executable files are prohibited.
Whenever possible, messages should be embedded within the email posting rather than added as an attachment. Large messages that include graphics and/o r attachments will be rejected automatically by the listserv software and will not be posted.
Commercial and other unauthorized use of the listserv is prohibited.
Subscribers may not conduct business or actively solicit actions that are prohibited by law or which violate any federal, state or local laws.
The opinions expressed on CACC's listserv by subscribers do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs held by CACC.
Messages that include libelous statements about another person or entity should not be posted on CACC's listserv. A libelous statement is one that contains false information, malicious information or information that is injurious to the reputation of another. A statement can be libelous even though a person or entity is not specifically named but can be identified by others. Again, messages of this type may not be posted on the listserv.
Unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted material should not be posted on the listserv. If the copyright owner has not consented in writing, please do not post it on CACC's listserv.
Listserv messages should not be posted if they encourage or facilitate listserv subscribers to arrive at any agreement which either expresses or implies an agreement to fixed prices, boycott others' businesses, or other conduct which is intended to illegally restrict free trade.
CACC reserves the right to modify these guidelines at any time without prior notice.
If ten or more listserv messages are returned as undeliverable from a subscriber's email address, the email address will be deleted from the CACC listserv database. The subscriber will have to contact CACC listserv administrator (holly@calicocenter.org) to be reinstated.
If a subscriber changes his/her email address, please notify the Listserv Administrator within 5 business days at holly@calicocenter.org.
All requests to use the listserv for research purposes, must include the following supportive documentation: a) Detailed information regarding the individual researcher and the educational institution with which they are affiliated; b) Research proposal; c) IRB application and approval documents; d) Sample of proposed research tool or survey instrument. Copies of any related disclosures, releases, or consent forms; f) Written confirmation that CACC will receive a copy of the final research document. Only upon review and approval of all materials by the Executive Director will the invitation to participate be posted on the listserv.
Subscribers agree to abide by the rules of CACC E-mail Etiquette.
All questions concerning the CACC Listserv should be directed to the Listserv Administrator, Holly@calicocenter.org
CACC E-Mail Etiquette
This page presents some simple guidelines for electronic mail etiquette. It does not mandate any particular style or rules. Rather it is an attempt to highlight important issues affecting the electronic mail we send.
Never send anything you would not want to see in tomorrow's newspaper. There are no security guarantees with electronic mail. Avoid sending ANY confidential or sensitive information via email. Remember, it's very easy for someone else to forward messages you thought were confidential.
When you are upset or angry, learn how to use to the 'postpone' and/or 'save-as-draft' commands. Review the message after you have had time to calm down.
Do not send abusive, harassing or threatening messages.
Be cautious when using sarcasm and humor. Without facial expressions and tone of voice, they do not translate easily through email.
Keep messages and replies brief.
Use email in a professional manner. Remember, you cannot control where your message might be sent.
Do not send chain letters through email. This includes any message that contains a request to forward the information to lots of other people.
Do not leave your email account open when you leave your computer. Anyone could sit down at your keyboard and send out libelous / offensive / embarrassing messages under your name.
Do not send replies to ‘all recipients’ unless there is a very specific need for everyone to receive the message. It wastes disk space, clutters up inboxes and is annoying to the other people who receive the unwanted messages.
When replying, keep messages brief and to the point. Do not reproduce a message in its entirety. Be selective with what you reproduce and only do it as needed.
Remember that all laws governing copyright, defamation, discrimination and other forms of written communication also apply to email.
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