Look Good, Do Good
Everyone knows the Golden State is known for its unique and laid-back style. This month you can get the best California styles and help children who have experienced abuse by purchasing clothing or accessories from Never Elsewhere. Never Elsewhere has generously chosen to recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month by donating 10% of its April sales to CALICO’s Children’s Advocacy Centers of California (CACC) program. It is the easiest - and most fashionable - way you can support abused children right from your phone or computer. Never Elsewhere prides itself on its unique designs and quality materials - we all can say we were big fans already.

CACC believes that all children have an equal right to justice and healing. Everyday, CACC works to support and grow centers like CALICO throughout California, so that children who have been hurt - whether they live in Eureka, Redding, Oakland, Visalia or San Diego - receive the same quality of intervention and treatment. To celebrate Child Abuse Prevention Month, CACC is holding its Annual Summit in Sacramento, bringing together child abuse professionals from throughout California to meet and receive training. Even more exciting, CACC is shepherding AB 320, a bill to support centers like CALICO, through the California state legislature.
Click here to purchase Never Elsewhere gear and support CALICO’s CACC program! And follow us on Facebook for more updates about our work across California.